CREATOR SPOTLIGHT: Goddess Jasmine Irons-Anokute
Broken Heart
Connected Heart
1. What type of art do you create? Pressed flower art
2. How long have you been doing art for? 1 year
3. Who are your creative influences: I’m really inspired by Frida Kahlo, more so by her as a person than her art. She was vibrant, full of color, brave, outspoken and an all around bad ass. She always found a way to create, despite her pain. The same with Billie Holiday, Thomas "Blind Tom" Wiggins and other creators who found artistic freedom during the darkest times of oppression or mental illness. Overall, I’m inspired by anyone who has the guts to create and put it out in the world.
Enchanted Heart
4. What are you listening to when you create? A variety of music. I listen to Pandora and Spotify playlist from Bob Marley, to Odeza, Nina Simone, The Beatles, Billie Holiday, Brandie Carlile, African Tribal Music, Chancha Via Circuito, Salsa, Lauryn Hill, old school Hip Hop. The list goes on. Whatever music helps support and uplift the mood I’m in.
5. Describe your creative zone
• What hours are your most creative?: Late morning to early afternoon.
• What does your creative vibe look like? I can describe better what my creative vibe feels like. It feels airy, intense at times, organized, messy, fun, beautiful, joyful, pressure, loving, nurturing. It feels like I’m healing some part of me because I get to bring other people joy, beauty, or whatever they feel through my art. It feels like a connection to the son I lost and my husband who I love so deeply.
• What are your snacks when creating? I don’t eat snacks while creating, too messy haha
Wild Heart
6. What are your creative tools?
I always say a prayer and set an intention before I create my art and when I ship it to the person receiving it. I just want to make sure loving energy surrounds my art and space at all times.
7. What were some creative obstacles have you overcame? Thinking my art wasn't good enough and too cliche. But I don't worry about that anymore. It comes from my heart, from loss and love, and that is the truth of my art.
Dream Catcher
8. What does being a CREATOR mean to you? Remembering who you are in this life. It’s like magic. Whatever was lying dormant before is now awakened. It frees you, it breaks down old structures of limitations and illusions and gives you the power to create from your authentic heart. And you get to share that magic with others and connect to their creator.
9. What is your stand out piece? I have 4 favorites: (see kid at heart, dream catcher heart, broken heart and connected heart)
Kid at Heart
10. How do you handle creative blocks? I don’t see “creative blocks” as blocks. I see them as a signpost pointing me to something that needs more of my attention. If I’m feeling blocked, something within needs to be addressed or worked on. So I let the “blocks" ride out and try to be gentle with myself. I ask myself what I can do in the moment that will help me feel and do better. What will help my jog my creativity even if it has nothing to do with the art itself.
11. What advice would you give your younger self on their creative journey? Boxes are illusions. Your creations are limitless and boundless. Always create for yourself first. If you start creating for other people you lose the truth and meaning behind the creation.
Full Heart
12. Where can we find your work (website, social media, store, etc..)
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13. What are your creative goals: To continue to have fun while creating and share it with others. I just want to have a creative release and continue to bring joy, peace, beauty, and compassion to others through my work at my own pace.
14. Have you collaborated with others? Yes, I worked with a psychologist who created a retreat for women who miscarried or had still borns. My contribution was showing the women how to create pressed flower art and use it as a healing tool to express their feelings about the losses of their little ones.
15: What do you want your creative legacy to be? You can transform pain into beauty, loss into gain. But creation doesn’t always have to come from a sad traumatic place, it can come from a place of joy too.
Sorry! Wanted to add one more thing. Another fear of mine was monetizing my heART. It was sacred to me and helped me heal after going through a miscarriage and I didn’t want to have that disrupted with opinions. But I figured after enough demands for the pieces, why not bring others some the same joy, beauty and healing it brought me.