How To Practice Mindfulness Meditation in 5 STEPS

Virtual Vitamins are the digital counterpart to the vitamins we ingest with our food as supplements.

Here are 3 steps to ensure you are taking your virtual vitamins daily:

  1. Take inventory. Look at the social media accounts that you follow online and see what you’re being tapped into on a daily basis. Observe how you are feeling when you look at your social media? Are you feeling drained? Are you feeling inspired?

  2. Do a virtual cleanse. There is so much power in the images we see everyday, it’s important to switch up the frequency. Every now and then cleanse your virtual online space. Unfollow those accounts that are not up to date or posting inspiring things for you to get your juices going. You are in control of your virtual reality. You’ll be amazed when you delete some accounts, how other accounts that you are aligned with will suddenly come to the forefront.

  3. Keep the accounts you are aligned with. The accounts that you follow should reflect what you want to see. This will get your day going in a positive direction because in the morning when you scroll you will be reminded of your joy and light by the images you see.

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Mommy Alkhemy Noble Dre-Ali Mommy Alkhemy Noble Dre-Ali

Why the 4th trimester can be the most challenging?

After the 3rd trimester, there is something we go through that few speak of – the 4th trimester. 

The 4th trimester is real and begins from the moment you bring your baby home. There is such a challenge because you are not yet feeling like yourself. There’s a shift that has taken place. Mom and baby both have just been born and you both are beginning to adjust to your “new normal”. Adjusting can be hard; the focus now goes from you to the baby, who needs lots of attention. However, a healthy baby is not all that matters during the 4th trimester. A healthy mom also needs to be part of the narrative that we speak and share on, since you too as a new mom require attention too.

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