
Before you begin... A Blessing For Yourself

Before you begin your practice bless yourself.

Bless all of your past, your mistakes your triumphs, all the decisions you have made to get to this point.

Bless the times that you fell to your knees and the times you rose above yourself.

Bless all of your present.

Bless this moment pregnant with possibility, hope and openness.

Bless yourself for showing up here to practice, to learn, to grow and evolve.

Bless yourself for trying no matter what the circumstances are - you are doing your best.

Bless your courage, your strength.

Bless all of your future. The lands & experiences that lay before you, the relationships that you are yet to have.

Bless all the outcomes of all the choices you make today, knowing that you are being guided and looked after.

Bless all parts of yourself, all the sweetness, all the struggles.

Bless yourself for being you!

Source: The Language of Yin, by Gabrielle Harris


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