My Kitchen Alkhemy Process: Fire Cider

🌿Plants are powerful and so are you!

🌿Plants are powerful and so are you!

Kitchen work is alchemy work. It is the sacred place in your home where you can program your food to nourish and work for you. If we are not aware, the same can also happen in reverse; the kitchen can be a place that feeds us sickness and disease. Here is my kitchen alchemy process on how I create my food medicine andAQ charge my herbs and food to work for me and my family. Everybody has a different version of Fire Cider, mine has an alchemy element to it, a magical process that I want to share with you!

Today, we must transform our mundane, modern-day, toxic-filled, microwaved kitchen that creates disease, mental and physical ill health, and shortened lives into a Kitchen Healing Laboratory. Within this lab we must create disease-free Body Temples full of wellness, power, and genius. Our tools are freshly pressed juices, organic fruits and vegetables, soups, salads, herbs and spices.
— Queen Afua, Sacred Woman

Any creation I make in the kitchen I like to set good intentions and have good vibes. I do this by first making sure my area is clean and I match that with my mindset. I like to be in a good mood and have a clean mind, one that is full of positive thoughts when preparing any type of food because it is all energy being transferred. This begins the process of programming the food we will later ingest to sustain and nourish our mind, body and soul.

How you feel when you create is impactful and matters.
— Dee Davis
Bob Marley is a necessary vibe to tap into when creating Food Medicine!

Bob Marley is a necessary vibe to tap into when creating Food Medicine!

When preparing Fire Cider, I like infusing a vibe that consists of playing music (usually Bob Marley, Sa-Roc, Miles Davis, Celia Cruz, Solange or Sade) burning sage, having my crystals around me, and setting my healing intentions by repeating my positive affirmations.

Positive intentions for your food medicine is a MUST because it is a magical step that brings the Fire Cider to a whole new level of healing and immunity boosting for our family.

A lot of the food I prepare, especially when creating Fire Cider is water-based just like our bodies, and therefore, how you feel when you create is impactful and matters. There is research that proves the molecular structure changes in water just by setting positive intentions. I also like to create my Fire Cider on special days of the year, like a loved one’s birthday or a day that holds special meaning (I once created a wonderful batch of pickled honey garlic on my moms birthday who has transitioned and I know holds a special magical power).

I also like to create on a Full Moon cycle for added healing energy and intention. Tapping into the lunar energy is a magnificent time to embrace the full moon and enhance your magical healing powers. It is a perfect time to create new intentions and new rituals for your health and wellness routine.

Creating Fire Cider takes a minimum of 4 weeks to prepare and is a true investment in your future self!
— Dee Davis

Making Fire Cider, my kitchen alchemy process is one where I take raw nutrient-dense organic root vegetables, citrus fruits, herbs, flowers and spices, and rest them in raw, organic apple cider vinegar for months - sometimes as long as 9 months! This all takes planning and is truly an investment in your future self! If you don’t have the time and need the very potent healing boost right away, no worries!

Please visit our Gift Shop to purchase your Fire Cider today!

Often all the ingredients in the Fire Cider get shaken up often with positive affirmations so that the vitamins and minerals can extract powerfully into the apple cider vinegar.

Often all the ingredients in the Fire Cider get shaken up often with positive affirmations so that the vitamins and minerals can extract powerfully into the apple cider vinegar.

Afterwards, I press the pulp and strain to make the concentrated vitamin-packed healing liquid that our ancestors would call Fire Cider or in Jamaica where my family is from, brew. One Love!

If you would like a personalized Fire Cider Workshop experience with me and learn one on one how to make your Month Supply of Fire Cider, please check out our services page. Winter is coming, a time when our health gets tested the most. So now more than ever we need to be proactive in our health because, health is wealth!

What’s your Kitchen Alchemy process? How do you prepare your sacred food medicine? Share below!


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