5 Tips For Quarantine Empowerment!
“Nature is full enough to heal all mental, social, emotional and physical disease. The more we learn how to become one with nature, the greater access we have to our power as healers of self and others seeking wellness.”
Here are 5 tips on how to best use this time and stay on top during quarantine:
1. Nature - Nature naturally lifts the mood with Vitamin D mood boosting properties. It has the power to heal and restore us to balance. Nature is composed of four main elements, air (oxygen in the lungs), fire (heat from the sun), water (60% circulating within us) and earth (the soil beneath us and in our bones). Even if you go for a short walk or sit down doing nothing else but let the sun rays hit your face - you can benefit. This is because being in nature reduces anger, fear, and stress while increasing pleasant feelings. In addition, being outside in nature contributes to your physical wellbeing by reducing your blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and the production of stress hormones. So what are you waiting for? Go get some sun charge in your day!
2. Feng Shui - Home should be a healing center, a sanctuary. By doing this, we become our own healers. When you feel stuck, moving the energy around your home, car, and work space will help get your own energy flowing so you can feel the vital qi, the circulation in your space. Cleaning, decluttering, rearranging your living space will help change the flow of energy and bring new perspective and abundance. The literal translation of “feng” means wind and “shui” means water. In Chinese culture, wind and water are both associated with good health. Good health is what we all need right now during this time of crisis. Burning sage is another great alkhemy tool used for transforming the energy around you.
In Feng Shui 9 Lemons, in particular, neutralize negative energy and represents wealth, accomplishment, and attaining personal goals.
3. Boost Up Your Immunity! - We must create a disease-free body that is full of wellness and power. First step is to take inventory of your refrigerator. The kitchen of our ancestors contained the power to nourish bodies, minds and spirits. Once you see what you have, you can include superfoods like Garlic, Turmeric, Berries, Lentils, Black Beans, Chia Seeds, Kale and Spinach in your meals. Now is a great time to do a fast or detox to cleanse your body. Yoga and exercise will also enhance health and fitness in your quarantine time.
4. Binge - It’s good to use entertainment as a form of relaxation. It can be a tool to lighten up the mood, as well as switch up the narrative that we are getting on the news. At a time when entertainment is limited, here are some TV/Movie ideas to keep you entertained: The Godfather of Harlem, The Other Guys, Big Little Lies, Ozark, and Self Made: Madam CJ Walker. It is also a great time to read some inspirational books like The Alchemist, Women Who Run With The Wolves, and Sacred Women.
Entertainment is a release, a strength for some and a way to heal for others. Feeling down? Binge on some Comedies to lift your mood.
5. Breathe - Breathe and laugh. Two free medicines that doctors don’t prescribe, because they work! Deep breaths stimulate the lymphatic system which is responsible for detoxifying the body. Deep breaths allow us to remain present and focused, it provides mental clarity, while lowering blood pressure and giving instant relaxation.
An exercise to try is box breathing: 4 counts Breathe In, 4 counts Hold Breath, 4 counts Breathe Out, 4 counts Hold Breath. Repeat 4X.
Box breathing is particularly helpful if you have a lung disease. It is also known as square breathing, a technique used when taking slow, deep breaths. This technique can be beneficial to anyone, especially those who want to meditate and reflect or reduce stress. It’s used by everyone from athletes to U.S. Navy SEALs, police officers, nurses, and now YOU!