healthy mind + healthy body = affirmations for a Happy New Year in 2020!
Affirmation: I can do it, because I AM doing it!
As we welcome 2020, I think it’s a perfect opportunity to make sure that this coming year is a healthy one. The pressure we add on needing to be a newer version of ourselves is a hard concept to take in when you already feel like you are killing it - working towards your goals, dreams and passions. Sometimes the next thing we need to focus on is maintenance. I know from working through my own trauma that healing is not a year long process but instead a continuous lifelong process. As you step into a new year it’s important to recommit your self to rituals that help you thrive and live your best life. Affirmations are great tools that cost nothing but time and consistency, to help manifest your greatest day, goals, passions and dreams.
Using positive affirmations on daily basis can really transform your life! Your mornings set the tone for the rest of the day. Affirmations can help develop a meaningful morning routine, putting you in the healthy head and heart space to handle any and all that the world brings your way! Affirmations are short, simple yet powerful statements that help to assert something to be true in your subconscious mind. The most important conversations are the ones we have with ourselves. You might not realize this, but majority of the time, we tend to think about things in a negative way. We tend to talk about things we don’t want, more than we talk about things we actually want, love and desire. If you begin your day getting off to a bad start, more often than not, the rest of your day follows suit. How you live is your greatest message, and it can also be your greatest gift. The more you believe in the words you repeat the better chance there is that they will materialize and create transformation. Re-programming your thought patterns isn’t easy and at the beginning it might even feel a little weird. Despite the weirdness, it's wonderful how positive thought patterns can shift ourselves into feeling serenity instead of negativity.
“Change your mind and you’ll change everything around you! ”
Use these New Year affirmations year round as guides. Print them out or write them down so you can see them every day. To get results, repeat the affirmations with intention. Feel free to create your own and please share! Remember keep your affirmations positive and written in the present or future tense. Let your affirmations inspire, energize and motivate you into a greater you.
I am consistently executing excellence.
Everything I do turns into success.
Today, I choose to be at peace.
I am in control of my own life.
I am a money magnet!
I will attract wealth and abundance.
I radiate good health: emotionally, spiritually and physically.