What is wellness coaching with Dee Davis?
Wellness coaching with Dee looks like….
A customized personal wellness plan that is more than 60 pages in length and based off the health and wellness assessment you fill out prior.
Private coaching sessions via in person, phone, or Zoom.
Unlimited email support with a 48 hours turnaround.
Customized personal Ayurvedic eating plans with recipes designed for your needs.
Ongoing motivational and emotional support.
Herbal remedies and natural healing protocols to heal what’s ailing you.
Working with a Health Educator M.S. who will hold you accountable!
Lifestyle adjustments to build a lifetime of wellness!
Month supply of customized Fire Cider to help elevate your health and wellness.**
Month supply of customized Herbal Tea with tea infuser.
Art by Noble Dre*Ali to boost your mood and mental health.
3 Nature Hikes guided with meditation and yoga.**
Month supply of food medicine: Sea moss or Elderberry Syrup.**
Just For Today...
Just For Today by Author Unknown.
Just for today, I will let go of anger.
Just for today, I will let go of worry.
Just for today, I will give thanks for my many blessings.
Just for today, I will do my work honestly.
Just for today, I will be kind to my neighbor and every living thing.
Just for today, I will take responsibility for everything that happens to me.
Just for today, I will take some action that will move me closer to my dreams.
Just for today, I will take 20 minutes for meditation, prayer, and/or reflection.
Just for today, I will focus on the journey instead of the destination.
Just for today, I will not put junk food in my body.
Just for today, I will be kind to myself.
Just for today, I will remember that everyone is doing the best that they can.
Laughter meditation is a form of meditation that combines breathing exercises and laughter to promote a sense of well-being, joy, and relaxation. This type of meditation is also known as laughing yoga or laughter therapy, and it has become increasingly popular in recent years. Laughter meditation is an inner experience. When we laugh we are totally free. We can’t be in the past laughing, or in the future. Laughing brings us to the present moment. Laughter meditation is a cost-effective healing tool used to transform the present moment into child-like playfulness while honoring your inner child. Laughter meditation is strong preventative medicine and has a profound effect on the mind, body and spirit.
Did you know children can laugh up to 400 times a day, versus adults who laugh 15 times a day?
During a laughter meditation session, participants engage in laughter exercises that involve deep breathing, physical movements, and vocalizations. These exercises are designed to trigger laughter and create a positive, relaxed state of mind.
Noble Alkhemy's "Chakra Mantras" blog post offers insights into the benefits of using chakra mantras for healing and balance. Learn how to activate and align each chakra with powerful mantras, and enhance your spiritual and physical well-being. Discover the transformative power of ancient wisdom and experience the positive effects of chakra mantras today.
How To Practice Mindfulness Meditation in 5 STEPS
Virtual Vitamins are the digital counterpart to the vitamins we ingest with our food as supplements.
Here are 3 steps to ensure you are taking your virtual vitamins daily:
Take inventory. Look at the social media accounts that you follow online and see what you’re being tapped into on a daily basis. Observe how you are feeling when you look at your social media? Are you feeling drained? Are you feeling inspired?
Do a virtual cleanse. There is so much power in the images we see everyday, it’s important to switch up the frequency. Every now and then cleanse your virtual online space. Unfollow those accounts that are not up to date or posting inspiring things for you to get your juices going. You are in control of your virtual reality. You’ll be amazed when you delete some accounts, how other accounts that you are aligned with will suddenly come to the forefront.
Keep the accounts you are aligned with. The accounts that you follow should reflect what you want to see. This will get your day going in a positive direction because in the morning when you scroll you will be reminded of your joy and light by the images you see.
healthy mind + healthy body = affirmations for a Happy New Year in 2020!
As we welcome 2020, I think it’s a perfect opportunity to make sure that this coming year is a healthy one. The pressure we add on needing to be a newer version of ourselves is a hard concept to take in when you already feel like you are killing it - working towards your goals, dreams and passions. Sometimes the next thing we need to focus on is maintenance. I know from working through my own trauma that healing is not a year long process but instead a continuous lifelong process. As you step into a new year it’s important to recommit your self to rituals that help you thrive and live your best life. Affirmations are great tools that cost nothing but time and consistency, to help manifest your greatest day, goals, passions and dreams.